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Go through an extraordinary development process with Heros Navigares®


1. General provisions

  1. These Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations", define the rules for using the database located at the URL http certifikaty.podrozbohatera.com, hereinafter referred to as the "Database".
  2. Each User and Trainer is obliged to read the Regulations before using the Base.
  3. The database is run by Heros Navigares with its registered office in: Sulejówek ul. Dworcowa 63, nip 5213131674, prowadzoną przez Katarzynę Karską, zwaną dalej „Administratorem”.
  4. Address Databases and contact details: Internet address: www.trenerzy.podrozbohatera.com oraz www.trainers.herosnavigares.com
  5. Information on the scope of processing of personal data by the Database ("Privacy Policy") and the scope of use of cookies ("Cookie Policy") can be found in the section below.
  6. Each person should read the Regulations before accessing the used Base.
  7. Registration in the Database requires an active and efficient e-mail account.

2. Definitions

Terms used in Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:

  1. Database – an online database operating at www.trenerzy.podrozbohatera.com oraz www.trainers.herosnavigares.com zawierająca dane certyfikowanych trenerów gry Heros Navigares®/Podróż Bohatera® i dająca możliwość ich wyszukania.
  2. Owner – Heros Navigares, the owner and administrator of the database.
  3. Trainer - any person with a valid certificate of completion of methodological training preparing to work with the Hero Navigares ® coaching game/Hero's Journey ® registered in the Base.
  4. User – any entity/person using the Internet who enters the Database website in order to search for a Trainer.
  5. Trainer Account – a field containing the Trainer's data enabling the User to search for his/her profile.
  6. Regulations – this document, specifying the terms and conditions of using the Database.
  7. Registration – voluntary provision of data by the Trainer consisting in filling in the form available on the website of the Database.
  8. Login and Password – Set by the Trainer as Base Access Data

3. Types and scope of activities of the Base

  1. Through the Database, the registration of Trainers via the Internet and the possibility of searching for the Trainer by the User is carried out.

Technical requirements.

  1. In order to use the Database correctly and undisturbed, the User's station/terminal equipment should meet the following minimum technical requirements:
  1. a) an active Internet connection,
  2. b) acceptance of cookies and Java Scripts enabled
  3. c) active e-mail address
  1. The database is not obliged to provide the above devices and/or software.
  2. The installation of the software referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 is the subject of a separate license agreement between the User and the Licensor.
  3. The Database website is adjusted to the screen resolution.

5. Rules for searching for Trainers

  1. The database makes it easy for the User to find the right Trainer by providing the following information:
    • Name and surname;
    • Name of country/town/province
    • Professional criteria
    • Remote work
    • Language in which the service is provided
    • Events organized by Trainers registered in the Database
  2. The search for the Trainer does not require registration in the Database.
  3. The search for the Trainer is carried out using the form available on the Database page. 

6. Rights and responsibilities

  1. The database contains information of a general nature. It is not intended to mediate in the provision of any services. 
  2. The database is for information purposes. The database owner is not responsible for any damage related to its use – including actions performed by Users, Trainers, their way of working, emotional state or mental condition of users/trainers.
  3. The Owner is not responsible for any arrangements, agreements, obligations between Trainers and Users.
  4. Each User/Trainer using the database declares that he/she does so consciously and voluntarily.
  5. The User/Trainer uses the database assumes full responsibility for damages related to or resulting from its use, both direct and indirect, incidental, consequential, moral, or other damages due to contractual, tort, negligence, including, but not limited to, loss of data or services.
  6. The owner is not responsible if the database is temporarily or long-term unavailable for any reason. Nor is it responsible for the consequences of this.
  7. The Owner is not responsible for the information provided by
  8. All the above-mentioned exclusions and limitations of liability are valid to the fullest extent legally permissible, covering each type of existing liability, including contractual, tort and any other liability provided for in the Polish or foreign legal order.

 Amendments to the Regulations

  1. The Owner has the right to change the Regulations at any time.
  2. Users and Trainers have the right and obligation to read the amended Regulations. Amendments to the Regulations become effective on the date of publication of the new Regulations

Cookie files


  1. The database uses cookies.
  2. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the Base User's end device and are intended for using the Base's websites. Consent to use is voluntary.
  3. Subject placing cookies on the end device of the Service User and obtaining access to them is the Operator of the Service.
  4. Cookie files are used to create statistics that help to understand how the Database Users use websites, which allows improving their structure and content.
  5. By default, the Internet browser allows the storage of cookies on the User's end device. Users of the Database can change the settings in this regard.
  6. Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the websites of the Database.
  7. Cookie files may be used by advertising networks, in particular the Google network, to display advertisements tailored to the way the User uses the Base. For this purpose, they may keep information about the user's navigation path or the time spent on a given page.

DATABASE Privacy Policy 

We value your privacy and trust, which is why Heros Navigares, based in Sulejówek ul. Dworcowa 63, attaches particular importance to the protection of your personal data. On 25 May 2018, the GDPR – a new regulation on the protection of personal data covering all Member States of the European Union – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data entered into force and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter also referred to as the "General Data Protection Regulation” lub „GDPR”). To krok w kierunku zagwarantowania jeszcze lepszej ochrony Twojej prywatności, zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa danych w sieci, w szczególności danych wrażliwych, co traktujemy bardzo poważnie. Pragniemy zapewnić, że traktujemy Twoje dane z najwyższą troską i nigdy nie sprzedamy ich innym firmom w celach marketingowych.

Who is the Administrator of my personal data?

The administrator of personal data is Heros Navigares, conducting business activity at ul. Dworcowa 63 Sulejówek nip number 5213131674, W razie pytań lub wątpliwości w sprawach dotyczących ochrony danych osobowych prosimy o kontakt za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej: duzarzecz@gmail.com

Data processing 

By placing personal data in the Database, you agree to their processing.

What is my personal data used for?

Personal data used for the purpose of:

  • Building a Base of Certified Hero NAVIGARES Trainers/Hero's Journey ®
  • Make available to Users looking for Trainers to conduct sessions, trainings or workshops.

Who has access to the personal data?

Personal data are made available to entities located in the Administrator's structure and to the Users of the Database.

What are my rights?

You have the right to access your personal data, the right to rectify it, delete it and the right to limit its processing. 

The Owner does not share the data with third parties.

When will my personal data be processed?

The data are processed for the period of using the services provided by the Owner, and after their termination, until the expiry of the limitation period for claims (usually 10 years) or other periods resulting from the provisions of law regarding the services provided.


This document shall enter into force on: 01.05.2022